Ministry Tip #1

The Five Card Challenge

Every Thursday I do the same thing. I sit down and I handwrite five thank you cards to people I care about. Notice I said “handwrite” five cards? That’s right. I don’t send an email. I don’t type a letter. I don’t send a text. I don’t write a post or send a note on Facebook or Instagram. I send a handwritten note and let me just say this has been one of the most powerful things I have done in my ministry. It takes about 15 minutes a week and the results are priceless.

This habit began about six years ago when my mentor handed me a box of fancy notecards and challenged me to send five cards every week to people in my church. At first I thought the same thing you might be thinking right now, “this is crazy!” But I promised to do it and I quickly found out that this was an essential in my ministry. Now every Thursday I thank my mentor for giving me the Five Card Challenge.

One other thing my mentor stressed was the importance of addressing the envelope by hand too. There is no return address label. You must take the time to write out the return address. The reason is quite simple – people don’t get personal mail very often. Think about the last time you went to the mailbox. You are flipping through the junk mail, the bills and you come across a handwritten envelope. You get excited don’t you?

So, I started writing these thank you cards and I haven’t turned back. Here’s what I write: As I count my blessings today I am grateful for you! Thank you for being such a servant of God (or whatever character trait that describes them). Your actions remind me of Jesus and I am so grateful that you are a part of my life and the church’s life. Thank you for being awesome! Have a great weekend. Then I sign my name and put it in the mailbox. It’s that’s simple!

Want to know why I keep doing it? Because it works. I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, “I’ve never gotten a handwritten note from my pastor before – it made my day.” Did you hear that? These simple little notes breathe life into people. This small token lifts them up. They put a little extra skip in their step. I am so grateful that my mentor had the foresight to challenge me to make this a part of my weekly habits.

So, if you want to connect with your congregation in a new way that will build a deeper relationship with them and encourage them this is the habit for you. Take the FIVE CARD CHALLENGE and watch it bring value to your ministry.