Love Still Wins

Did you know that over 140 million Valentine’s Day cards are sent to friends, significant others, and family each year in February – and that doesn’t even include those little valentines that kids give out at school? That’s a lot of cards – second only to Christmas Cards.  That tells me there’s fixing to be a lot of love sent out this next month. 

Did you also know that the word “love” appears over 500 times in the NIV Bible?  You see love has always been a big deal in the Christian life!  It’s a thing for those of us who chose to follow Jesus.  As a matter of fact, it was such a big deal that Jesus told the disciples in John 13:34 to “love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”  Then again in John 15:12: “My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.” 

You see, Jesus came to show us how to love other and then told us to go and do the same.  Why? Because He knew the impact that this four-letter word would have on the world.  As a matter of fact, he said this in John 13:35: By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  Friends, it doesn’t take rocket science to understand why our world is so upside down right now.  As a matter of fact, it’s pretty simple.  We have failed to love one another.   We have allowed the color of our skin to get in the way. We have put our politics above our compassion for others. Hatred has become our voice. Everyone is quick to voice their opinions and object to those who don’t share it.  I have watched “Good Christian People” attack other “Good Christian People” who don’t share their views on all kinds of issues (not just politics) on social media, in the grocery store, and in the hallways of the church.  It’s a sad state of affairs.

However, there is hope.  Let me ask you a question – what would it be like if those reading this took Jesus’ command to love one another seriously this month?  What if we spent the entire month and focused on loving one another?  What if we were intentional about loving others as Jesus has loved us?  It could be the beginnings of change.  It could be the start of a revolution.  It could begin repair the deep wounds of hatred. So, let me encourage you to take the Love Challenge this month by loving others as Jesus has loved you. Let’s start a revolution. Let’s see the winds of change begin to blow over our land. Where do we start? I encourage you to begin by taking a moment today and read 1 Corinthians 13 so that you might refresh yourself on what love – real love – is all about.  This love that Paul defines is the love that we as followers of Jesus are to live out in our lives. Here’s a few things you will find as you read: love is not self-seeking, it always protects, it doesn’t keep record of wrongs, and doesn’t delight in evil.  That’s a good start. Do you feel it…change is coming!

Once you’ve read 1 Corinthians 13 I challenge you to begin putting what you read into action and allowing the love of Jesus flow out of your life. I hope you will rise to the occasion and take the Love Challenge with me and love others this month.  If you are still not sure where to start maybe start with some random acts of kindness like buying a coffee for the person behind you, lifting your mask to smile at someone, feeding a hungry person, or giving your waiter or waitress an extra tip.  You could always take time to get to know someone who is different from you, share a scripture that has been especially meaningful to you, or pray for someone who is suffering. If you want to see change in our world it has to begin with you and it has to begin with love. When love comes to town there is no telling what might be accomplished! I love you my friend and I am praying that love would change the world and it would begin with you and me.